
This is the result of the Kendo-exam at Stoke-on-Trent on 2022-07-24, organized by British Kendo Association (United Kingdom). Head of jury was Howell, John Edwin

4.danGB.02133Yates, Thomas Roy
3.danGB.02454Green, Samuel Thomas
3.danGB.02323Headlam, Ryan Robert
3.danGB.02503Roman, Rafal
3.danGB.02428Rukas, Konradas P
2.danGB.03360Liang, Bin
2.danGB.02736Modad, Rabih
2.danGB.02463Westaway, Leon Nigel
1.danGB.03486Cross, Geoffrey
1.danGB.02802Gall, Adam
1.danGB.02850Nixon, Kieron

Kind regards,
your EKF-Database

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