
This is the result of the Kendo-exam at Vitoria on 2019-09-29, organized by Royal Spanish Judo Federation and Associated Sport (Spain). Head of jury was Gutiérrez Velilla, Antonio

4.danE.00028Carrascal Rubio, Valentin
4.danE.00422Cercos Blasco, German
3.danE.00546Arregui Martin, Liher Alexander
3.danE.00660Cardona Pascual, José Miguel
3.danE.00640Carrera Aubesat, Adam
3.danE.00421Carro Lopez, Hector
3.danE.00426Iglesias Gonzales, Diego
3.danE.00707Monsó Morera, David
3.danE.00414Orozco Franco, Santiago
3.danE.00225Palau Nadal, Laura
3.danE.00430Rodriguez Rius, Daniel
2.danE.00854Cortijos Castellanos, Daniel
2.danE.00858Fernández Ruesgas, Luis
2.danE.00876Ivorra Ferrando, Lluis
2.danE.00866Larra Juan, Daniel
2.danE.00879Ruiz Fernández, Javier
2.danE.00881Salec González, Maikel Oscar
1.danE.00986Blasco Pérez, Luis
1.danE.00984Fernández Urtasun, Pablo
1.danE.00981Gutiérrez Torrre, Alberto
1.danE.00980Moya Rosselló, Francisco Javier
1.danE.00888Pérez Fuertes, Hugo
1.danE.00983Pérez Sanz, David
1.danE.00985Tejera García, Josafat Jonás
1.danE.00982Vera Gálvez, Jaume

Kind regards,
your EKF-Database

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