
This is the result of the Kendo-exam at Madrid on 2021-04-25, organized by Royal Spanish Judo Federation and Associated Sport (Spain). Head of jury was Gutiérrez Velilla, Antonio

4.danE.00565Avezuela Sierra, Jaime
4.danE.00451Belmonte Garcia, David
4.danE.00634Herrera Martínez, Eleazar
4.danRU.00612Kolbenev, Anton
4.danE.00581Labernia Homma, Kenzo
4.danE.00583López Romero, Pedro
4.danE.00196Robledo Bueno, Alejandro
4.danE.00535Sanz Izquierdo, Oscar
4.danE.00561Tirado Contreras, Javier

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