
This is the result of the Iaido-exam at Budapest on 2021-10-17, organized by Hungarian Kendo,Iaido and Jodo Federation (Hungary). Head of jury was Mihalik, Hunor

3.danRO.00244Chinda, Dan-Horia
3.danRO.00008Furtuna, George
3.danRO.00068Hriscu, Cristian-Octavian
2.danRO.00138Apostu Teodorescu, Daniel Nicu
2.danRO.00258Furtuna, Nina
2.danH.00491Kárnyáczki, Ferenc
2.danCZ.00289Neškodný, Jan
1.danRO.00150Angelescu, Marcel
1.danH.00485Felleg, András
1.danH.00501Jékey, Zsuzsanna
1.danRO.00283Ungurean, Rares

Kind regards,
your EKF-Database

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