
This is the result of the Kendo-exam at Orléans on 2019-05-11, organized by FFJDA. Comite National Kendo et DR (France). Head of jury was Pruvost, Claude

5.danF.02113Cabrol, Jean-Pierre
5.danF.02510Reviron, Marie
4.danF.04205Allee, Tanguy
4.danF.01344Aubriot, Yves
4.danF.01996Boivert, Xavier
4.danF.02902David, Claire
4.danF.04160Kohn, Gaël
4.danF.03099Lebraud, Arnaud
4.danF.04240Pruvost, Morgan
4.danF.04454Royo, William

Kind regards,
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