
This is the result of the Kendo-exam at Montpellier on 2019-10-27, organized by FFJDA. Comite National Kendo et DR (France). Head of jury was Royo, Michel

3.danF.05313Abanades, Simon
3.danF.05310Dure, Emmanuel
3.danF.05316Rivaille, Fabien
3.danF.02996Scorsipa, Arthur
2.danF.05812Eugene-Adolph, Johann
2.danF.05809Felis, Francisco
2.danF.04086Loidi, Marc
2.danF.05311Veillon, Thomas
1.danF.06086Benoit, Roderick
1.danF.06095Cabrillac, Didier
1.danF.06088Denys, Paul-Elie
1.danF.06090Gallou, Romane
1.danF.06085Gaudin, Solal
1.danF.06089Grenier, Steven
1.danF.06094Jimenez, Estéban
1.danF.06092Jouille, Armand
1.danF.06096Maire, Noelle
1.danF.06087Martinez, Léa
1.danF.06091Morel, Benjamin
1.danF.06093Rouquette, Agathe
1.danF.06084Sagot, Baptiste

Kind regards,
your EKF-Database

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