
This is the result of the Kendo-exam at Chambèry on 2019-04-06, organized by FFJDA. Comite National Kendo et DR (France). Head of jury was Hoarau, Jean-Yves

3.danF.04654Damiani, Céline
3.danF.04544Deville, Benoit
3.danF.04890Gosse, Eric
3.danF.03121Inthavong, Béatrice
3.danF.05307Leroy, Emile
3.danF.04854Silva, Monica Raquel
3.danF.02667Troude, Johan
2.danF.05772Baysse, Julien
2.danF.05768Grebel, Anthonin
2.danF.05769Legrand, Leo-Paul
2.danF.05580Melloul, Patrick
2.danF.06024Paulet, Ruben
1.danF.06016Barraclough, Niels
1.danF.06015Biscarat, Loucas
1.danF.06020Dang-Tran, Baptiste
1.danF.06023Godrant, Amandine
1.danF.06019Guillemot, You-An
1.danF.06022Harnist, William
1.danF.06017Henry-Viel, Takumi
1.danF.06021Moshidis, Violette
1.danF.06018Verdier, Benjamin

Kind regards,
your EKF-Database

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